Lisovňa vinylových platní pre nezávislé vydavateľstvá

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Dobrý deň, ahojte!
V máji 2022 sa nám úspešne podarilo otestovať a spustiť výrobu vinylových platní v našej novej lisovni v Trenčíne. Sme nesmierne radi, že sa možeme pridať k lisovniam po celej Európe a ponúknuť vám výrobné kapacity, aby ste fanúšikom odprezentovalii svoje umenie v najvyššej kvalite.

Naša výroba prebieha na mieru každému zákazníkovi individuálne, či už ste zabehnutý vydavateľ, kapela alebo začínajúci hudobník. Chápeme, že sa môže zdať výroba zložitá a preto vám pomôžeme so všetkým, čo je potrebné, aby ste sa mohli tešiť z vašich platní a ponúknuť ich vašim fanúšikom ako výsledok vašej a našej práce.
Snažíme sa ľudským jazykom a prístupom priblížiť výrobu vinylových platní každému, kto prejaví záujem. Ponúkame "low cost" balíčky, kde sa dá ušetriť kopec peňazí a zároveň vieme vyrobiť luxusné edície pre najnáročnejšich. Máme za sebou tri roky intenzívnej práce a nabrali sme skúsenosti, ktoré sú potrebné, aby sme boli precízni a rýchli.
Našou špecialitou sú edície, kde je každá platňa úplne iná - unikátna. Tým sa odlišujeme od iných lisovní. Zákazníci, ktorí nám dôverujú vedia, že takéto platne sú pre ich fanúšikov veľmi žiadané.

- prijímame objednávky od 100 do 1000 kusov -
- vyrábame 140 a 180 gramové čierne, farebné 12" vinyly -
- dodacia lehota je 6-8 týždňov -

Dodacia doba plynie po splnení nasledovných podmienok:
  • dodania audio súborov s vinylovým pre-masterom + PQ sheets,
  • dodania printových podkladov (správne vložená grafika do Vinyl-LAB šablón)
  • uhradenia plnej sumy za výrobu
Cena zahŕňa výrobu lacquer master diskov alebo DMM a galvanickú prípravu matrice, kompletovanie, 5 kusov test press platní, ktoré vám odošleme ešte pred vyrobením celého nákladu. 

Platne odosielame v dvojitých kartónových obaloch určených na prepravu vinylových platní. Ak si chcete svoje nosiče prevziať osobne, budeme veľmi radi, keď nás navštívite v Trenčíne. Nie je vylúčené, že vaše platne budú vyrobené skôr. Lehota je nastavená kvôli výrobe lacquer master diskov, matrice a obalov v tlačiarňach.

  • naplánujte si vydanie albumu, EP, singla vopred ! ! ! ! ! ! !      Na výrobu potrebujeme určítý čas, ktorý sa nedá skrátiť. Je lepšie mať svoje nosiče mesiac vopred a vedieť, že ich na krste budete mať na 100%. Aj keď sa snažíme vyhovieť ako sa dá, celý proces je náročný. Sme najmenší na svete a sme závislí od našich zahraničných dodávateľov. Aj my potrebujeme na výrobu dostatočný čas a hlavne kľud. Nezodpovedáme za žiadne termíny vydania vašej hudby, krstu a podobne. Prosím, plánujte vopred!!!!
  • je naozaj dôležité, mať všetky podklady pripravené naraz, len vtedy vieme garantovať dodacie lehoty. Dodacia lehota min. 6 týždňov plynie až po doručení posledného podkladu, materiálu - SPRÁVNE UROBENÉHO a nami schváleného. 
  • nikdy nezačínáme výrobu pred prijatím peňazí na náš účet - sme "custom job" výroba a naše náklady začínajú okamžite po zadaní výroby matríc a tlačových materiálov u našich partnerov.
  • pri príprave vašej grafiky prosím dbajte na dodržanie pokynov v šablónach, ušetríte tým veľa času sebe aj nám a nepredlžujete tým dodaciu lehotu, tá plynie až po doručení SPRÁVNE pripravených podkladov. Dbajte najmä na dodržanie farebnosti, spadavky a správny export súborov.
  • najjednoduchšia forma, ako nám môžete dodať AUDIO súbory je, že pošlete samostatné WAV. súbory s názvami - A1_názov interpreta - názov skladby, A2_názov interpreta - názov skladby, B1_názov interpreta - názov skladby, atď. Vtedy nie je potrebné dodať PQ sheet.
  • pri platniach platí, že čím menej minút je na strane, tým je záznam hlasnejší. Pre LP je ideálna dĺžka do 20 minut na stranu. Ak dodáte audio nad 22 minút  /max. do 24 minút/, účtujeme príplatok. Takéto platne sa vyrábajú zložitejšie. Ak to dovolí koncept vášho albumu, tak je najepšie, aby boli strany približne rovnaké. Najlepšie výsledky dosiahneme, keď sú dynamickejšie skladby na začiatku strany a kludnejšie na konci strany.
  • pri vinylovom pre-mastery nie je dobré "tlačiť" audio stopy do nuly, komprimovať a pod., Najlepšie je dodať audio stopy s dostatočným "vzduchom", vtedy dokážeme s hlasitosťou pracovať a ísť na maximum. Hlasitosť nahrávky si zdvihne analógovou cestou náš masterovací inžinier/technik.

Hello, greetings!

In May 2022, we successfully tested and launched vinyl record production at our new pressing plant in Trenčín. We are extremely happy to be able to join pressing plants across Europe and offer you production capacities to present your art to your fans in the highest quality.

Our production is tailored to each customer individually, whether you are an established label, a band, or a starting musician. We understand that the production process may seem complex, which is why we will assist you with everything necessary so you can enjoy your vinyl records and offer them to your fans as the result of both your work and ours.
We strive to simplify vinyl production by using clear language and a friendly approach to help everyone who shows interest. We offer "low-cost" packages that allow for significant savings, and we also provide luxurious editions for the most demanding clients. We have three years of intensive experience behind us, and we have gained the expertise needed to be precise and quick.

Our specialty is editions where each vinyl record is completely unique. This is how we differ from other pressing plants. Our customers who trust us know that such records are highly sought after by their fans.

 - we accept orders from 100 to 1,000 units - 
- we produce 140g and 180g black and colored 12" vinyl records - 
- turnaround time is 6-8 weeks -

The delivery time begins once the following conditions are met:

  • delivery of audio files with vinyl pre-master and PQ sheets,
  • delivery of print materials (correctly inserted graphics into the Vinyl-LAB templates),
  • payment of the full production cost.

The price includes the creation of lacquer master disks or DMM, galvanic preparation of the stampers, assembly, 5 test pressings, which we will send to you before producing the entire batch.

We ship vinyl records in double cardboard boxes designed for vinyl transport. If you want to pick up your records in person, we would be happy to welcome you in Trenčín. It is possible that your records will be produced sooner than the set deadline. The deadline is based on the production of lacquer master disks, matrices, and packaging at the printers.


  • plan your album, EP, or single release in advance!!! We need a certain amount of time for production that cannot be shortened. It’s better to have your records ready a month in advance and be sure you’ll have them at the release event. Although we strive to accommodate requests, the entire process is demanding. We are the smallest in the world and depend on our international suppliers. We also need sufficient time for production and, most importantly, peace and quiet. We do not take responsibility for release dates, events, etc. Please plan ahead!!!
  • it is crucial to have all the materials prepared at once, only then can we guarantee delivery times. The minimum delivery time of 6 weeks starts after we receive the last correctly prepared and approved material.
  • we never begin production before receiving payment. We are a "custom job" manufacturer, and our costs begin immediately after the production of stampers and printing materials is ordered from our partners.
  • when preparing your graphics, please follow the template instructions. This will save a lot of time for both you and us and avoid delays in delivery. The delivery time starts after we receive the CORRECTLY prepared materials. Pay special attention to color correctness, bleed, and proper export of files.
  • the easiest way to provide AUDIO files is to send individual WAV files with the following naming convention: A1_Artist Name - Song Title, A2_Artist Name - Song Title, B1_Artist Name - Song Title, etc. In this case, there is no need to provide a PQ sheet.
  • regarding vinyl records, the fewer minutes per side, the louder the recording. For LPs, the ideal length is up to 20 minutes per side. If you provide audio that exceeds 22 minutes (max. up to 24 minutes), we charge an extra fee. These records are more complicated to produce. If your album concept allows, it’s best if the sides are roughly equal in length. The best results are achieved when the more dynamic tracks are at the beginning of the side and the quieter ones at the end.
  • for vinyl pre-mastering, it’s not recommended to "push" audio tracks to zero, compress them, etc. It’s best to provide audio tracks with sufficient "headroom," as this allows us to work with the volume and push it to the maximum. The volume of the recording will be raised analogically by our mastering engineer/technician.

platne lisované vo Vinyl-LAB / records pressed at Vinyl-LAB:

4MG compil. - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
7 minút strachu/Abortion - SPLIT - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Abrasive wheels - Black leather girl - cut by Optimum mast. /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Ad Acta - Dno - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Adele Mede - Ne Lépj a Virágra - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Alex Kaleman - Ilusia - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Analogrunner - Echo Cube - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Apatia - Odejdz Lub Zostan - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Arleta EP - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Bárta, Fialová - Janáček - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Blame you genes - Skins EP - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Bobsan - Frydays - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Building Bridges - Spev - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Bulp - Endian EP - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Bunkier - Niebezpiecznie jest jesc - cut by Optimum mast. /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Cabo Wabo - Koupil jsem kapelu - cutted by Optimum m. /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Colors of Ostrava - Promo - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Crossczech - Partie bez vítezú - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Daša Ubrová - Jedenáct splněných přání - cut by SONO vinyl mast. /CZ/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
David Bertok - Mankind/Stranger - master and cut by SONO vinyl mast. /CZ/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff-UK/
Degradace - Punk'n'roll - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/
Divadlo Dogma - Theatre sounds - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Dmytrij - Pharmagedon - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Dmytrij - Revolter - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Dorota Nvotová - Ten - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Dugovič - Everyday Afterwork Music - cut by Optimum mast. /Bristol-UK/, stamp by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Dušan Vlk - Babie leto v podzemi - cut by Optimum mast. /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Dušan Vlk a Temný Rudo/Modrá obrazovka smrti - cut by Optimum m. /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
E - Living_Waters - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Echoboy/RMX- cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Empa Ty JA - Empatyja LP - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Ending - Muzak - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Eremen - Nemám čas fotím syna - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Evolution - Evolution - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Ewa Braun - esion - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Folk&Bass orchestra - Ženy z muzičky - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Frode Sigrid Linkene - Der Livet Leves - cut by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Funkce šroubú - Nepřipadá vám - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Garlands - Ztracená místa - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Gleb - Big Boy FM - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
God and EVE - The Creation EP - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Haters/Koituss - Split - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Hever - Láska Peniaze Strach - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Hradby samoty 2023 - compilation - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Hradby samoty 2024 - Compilation - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Hrdza - Čo je mi, to je mi - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Hvozd - Krehkou Krajinou - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Hypo Kyrie - Soap Opera - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Chops - Chops - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Chorobopop - Svobodě na stopě - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/ 
Christina Mantis - EP - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Chronic - Flaming cut - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Dorota Nvotová - Ten - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
IL62 - Opuszczamy babilon - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Ingrediens - Space Garden - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Inkwall - Against the wall - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Irena a Vojtech Havlovi - Four hands - cut by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Jakub Konig - Hvězdy - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Ján Slávik - Bach encores - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Jana Zubajová - Fénix - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Jano Dice - Ondava - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Josefina Dusk - Pumpa - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Juraj Ďuriš - The Dreams - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Karol Mikloš - Nočné vlaky - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Karol Mikloš - This side of town - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Kaston - In Blue - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Katarzia - Promo Tatra Banka - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Katarzia - Štastné dieťa - cut by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Kiss Me Kojak / Fetch! - Split - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Konvergencie - Spoločné ihriská - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Kriticka situace - Stále na úteku - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Kurtizány z 25. avenue - 2000 - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Kurvy Češi - Šnečí med - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Kvaskova - Odmäk - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/    
Lotta - Vilma - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Lubo Burgr - Burgr - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Luka Aron - Variations - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Luka Coihert Quintet - Feels Like Autumn - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Mária Reháková - Topoľana - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Marie Puttnerová - Laila Tov - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Marjari - Hey girl - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Marta Kloučkova - Stopa snú - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Martin Vajgl - Moc to neprožívej - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Martyna Basta - Slowly forgetting - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/
Meowlau x Val - Daydream - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Miro Tóth - Nemiesta - - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Miro Žbirka - Alive - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Modré hory - Čudne slávni  - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Mortar    - Fire steel - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
mu tate - wanting less - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Muerti - Asi to tak... - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Mutanti hledaj východisko - Puma - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/
Načo Názov - Myslieť nadovšetko - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/
Nazi Tampons - Rande s Vrahom - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /UK/
NGD Orchestra - E. Moriccone Tribute - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Ničiteľ - Anna - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Nikl / Kyšperský - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/    
Nina Kohout - Pandemonium - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Nonconformist - Discography 1993-20022 - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Nylon Union - Words and waves - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Ohm Square - /o - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Oskar Rózsa - Local Phenomenalists - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Pafgens - Aspect of what - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Panenské plameny - Bleus - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Para - Pre všetko okolo nás - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Patole - Hořící Pavučiny - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield UK/
Perly Sviním - Černé kohoutí harakiri - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff-UK/
Peter Dobai - Sextet Metamorphosis - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Pigúra - Hello America - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Pikodeath - Killed by the silence - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Pivnica/ActiveMinds split - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Poetic Elektric    - Dali - - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Polonius - N177 - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Prago Union - Smrt žije - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Prago Union - Vážná hudba - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Pressburger Klezmer Band - Korene - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Prophecy / AWAY - Flatline/colors - - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Protheus - Závislosti - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Psychadelic elevator - Paternoster - cut by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Psychadelic elevator - We are - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Reveillon - A máme čo sme chceli - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/ 
Robert Balzar trio - Conversation - cut by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
R. Pospiš a M. Sillay - Piesne na dobrú noc - cut by Optimum mast. /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Rottenness - Violentopia - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Rottenness - Violentopia- cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Samuel Hošek - Peace - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Severní nástupiště - Orel, netopýr a pes - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Shallov - Concrete and glass - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
SKTC - Pochodnia - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Slavo Solovic - Tri koncerty - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Slowlick - Mare Liberum Apertum - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/
Slzy Janka Borodáča - Divadelná hra - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Stanica projekt - Čas - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Sto Zvířat - Noční ptáci - cutted by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Story - Doteraz - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Story - Doteraz - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Strictly Early - Hardcore after respawn - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Stroon - Meditations on Dichotomy - cut by SONO vinyl mastering /CZ/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Stroon - Metal Bubble memories - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Sunnbrella - Heartworn - cutted by Abbey road studio /London-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Sýček - IV - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Šanov - Delikatesy - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Temný Rudo - Každý živý tvor na zemi zomiera sám - cut by Optimum /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
The Butchers - DIG!!! - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
The Last Days of Jesus - On Black - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /Sheff.-UK/
Tibor Feledi Kairos Quintet - More less - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 
Trhan - s.t. - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Ulica - Ulica LP - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK
Unwanted noise - South shore chaos punx - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/
Vašo Lipa - The meetings - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Velka Potreba - Tlak - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Veneer- Splint - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Waterbased - Silent regions - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Whithe - Whithe - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Wlochaty - Droga oporu - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Wlochaty - Wlochaty - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/ 
Zabít Františka - cutted by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stampers by Stamperdiscs /Sheffield-UK/
Začiatok konca - Hardcore, Oi!, Punk - cut by Optimum mastering /Bristol-UK/, stamp. by Stamperdiscs /UK/ 

Prečo si nechať urobiť platne u nás

Krátke dodacie lehoty

Vyrábame platne do 6-8 týždňov od zadania objednávky, čo je momentálne najkratší čas v Európe.
Naše platne hrajú a vyzerajú dokonale.

Overení odborníci na zvuk

Naši partneri sú absolútnymi lídrami v kvalite zvuku a náš spoločný výsledok hovorí sám za seba. Tri roky práce na vašej hudbe - žiadna reklamácia zvuku.

Výroba v malých nákladoch

Spoluracujeme najmä s malými vydavateľstvami. Osobný prístup je pre nás veľmi dôležitý. Všetky procesy u nás prebiehajú manuálne.

Najkvalitnejšie tlačové materiály

Na obaly používame certifikovaný 350gsm kartón prémiovej kvality. Naši dodávatelia sú rokmi preverení odborníci v oblasti tlače obalov pre vinylový formát. Ponúkame prémiovú kvalitu obalov za cenu bežnej. Tituly vyrobené u nás vyzerajú výborne.

Dvojitá ľudská kontrola

Pracujeme na poloautomatických strojoch nemeckej značky Newbilt. Kontrola kvality prebieha pri výrobe každej platne osobitne.

Prémiové PVC

Platne vyrábame z najkvalitnejších PVC zmesí. Používame iba "virgin vinyl" od nami otestovaných EU dodávateľov, čo znamená, že nelisujeme z regranulátov. Tým dosahujeme najvyššiu kvalitu zvuku a čistotu záznamu.

cenník / price list

Nebránime sa žiadnej plodnej spolupráci, práve naopak. 

V našej ponuke je oveľa viac možností - platne bez obalov, "white label" platne, viacstranové booklety, trojplatne v trifold obale, plagáty, luxusné balenia, mnoho druhov laminácií obalov a povrchových úprav, embossing obalov, parciálne laky,
silver/gold foil press obaly, vonkajšie nálepky, download kartičky a mnoho iného.
Všetky platne robíme aj v 180g verzii.

Náckovia a podobní idioti - nepíšte nám!!!

Pre bližšie informácie, stiahnutie šablón nás neváhajte kontaktovať:


We are open to any reasonable cooperation, quite the opposite.

Our offer includes many more options – vinyl records without covers, "white label" records, multi-page booklets, triple vinyl records in trifold packaging, posters, premium packaging, various types of laminations for covers and surface finishes, embossing on covers, spot UV coatings, silver/gold foil press covers, outer stickers, download cards, and much more.
All vinyl records are also available in a 180g version.

For more information or to download templates, please feel free to contact us: